El divendres passat, First Class va celebrar un event amb col·laboració del Soldenit​. Aquest event es va organitzar per estimular diferents converses espontànies i per treballar en equip.

L’eix principal de la nit va ser Sant Valentí, per tant, les dues primeres activitats van ser Blind Dates (cita a cegues) i Speed Dates (cita ràpida).en aquestes activitats els participants es coneixien per donar lloc a l’activitat final. Aquesta activitat va ser Pub Quiz!

Aquest event va ser fabulós i tant els participants i tot el nostre equip vam passar una molt bona estona!

Ens veim al següent Let’s Speak.

Last Friday, First Class held a speaking event at Soldenit. The event consisted of three different activities which were designed to stimulate spontaneous conversations in English as well as team work.

Since the dominant theme of the event was Valentine’s Day, the first two activities were Blind Dates and Speed Dates. Once these activities were complete and the participants got to know each other, groups were formed and the last activity took place. This activity was a Pub Quiz!

The event was a great success among participants and everyone had a great time! Thank you all for being part this amazing night!

We look forward to seeing you in our next Let’s Speak! event!

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